
The majority of people rely on Google heavily in their daily lives. Google offers many tools that can be used to your advantage to make searching easier and produce better results. We'll go over the top ten Google search hacks in this article to help you be more efficient and effective in your work.

Internet browsing Recently Uploaded Content
You will receive a list of websites when you conduct a topical internet search. Open a new tab and perform a topic search to get the most recent content. Then, select the time period you wish to view by clicking the "Tools" option. Another option for searching is a certain date range.

Including a Google shortcut for YouTube
You can install a shortcut on Google that will take you immediately to YouTube rather than having to search for a topic there. To accomplish this, navigate to the settings page and select "Manage Search Engines." The website name (YouTube) and the shortcut (such as "y") should then be added. Once you've installed the shortcut, you can use it to quickly access YouTube by typing "y" before the subject of your search on Google.

The Sidebar's Search Result Page
You might need to return to the search results page after conducting a Google search to access a different website. You might include a search result page in the sidebar to prevent this. You must turn on Chrome's sidebar feature in order to accomplish this. Activate the two choices by visiting "chrome://flags," looking for "site search," and selecting it. Restart Chrome after that to see the sidebar appear.

Finding a Particular File Type
You can quickly locate a specific file type when searching, such as a PDF, MP3, or APK. To do this, put "file type:" followed by the desired file type after entering the topic you wish to search for. If you wish to find a PDF, for instance, type "file type: pdf."


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